
Zhan Li, Xingyu Song, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi. "Abnormal detection in nuclear security videos based on label-specific autoencoders and reconstruction errors comparison", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2024 (Accepted). (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.net.2024.10.001)
Zhan Li, Xingyu Song, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi. "Armed boundary sabotage: A case study of human malicious behaviors identification with computer vision and explainable reasoning methods", Computers and Electrical Engineering, Volume 121, 109924. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2024.109924)
Xingyu Song, Zhan Li, Shi Chen, Xin-Qiang Cai, Kazuyuki Demachi, "An Animation-based Augmentation Approach for Action Recognition from Discontinuous Video", Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’24), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Oct. 19-24, 2024 (Oral). (https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.06741)
Xingyu Song, Zhan Li, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, "Quater-GCN: Enhancing 3D Human Pose Estimation with Orientation and Semi-supervised Training", Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI’24), Santiago de Compostela, Spain, Oct. 19-24, 2024 (Oral). (https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.19279)
Zhan Li, Xingyu Song, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi. "Development of graph contrastive learning based reasoning method for human malicious behaviors identification in nuclear security", 日本保全学会第20回学術講演会 (2024/8/5-7).
鄭凱、出町和之、陳実, "コンピュータビジョンと⾃然⾔語処理を組み合わせた作業⽀援AIの開発", 日本保全学会第20回学術講演会 (2024/8/5-7).
中井優、出町和之, "時間的・空間的特徴表現分離を⽤いた臓器の形状・呼吸性移動に基づいた4D-CT再構成", 日本保全学会第20回学術講演会 (2024/8/5-7).
新保幸輝、出町和之, "Beyond DBT を想定したエージェントシミュレーションモデルの開発", 日本保全学会第20回学術講演会 (2024/8/5-7).
Zhan Li, Xingyu Song, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi. "The development of detection and reasoning methods for nuclear material theft behaviors based on artificial intelligence and background analysis", 日本原子力学会2024年秋の年会 (2024/9/11-13).
Zhan Li, Xingyu Song, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi. "Development of Soft Constrained Human-object Interaction Analysis Method for Armed Boundary Sabotage Detection in Nuclear Security ", The 45th Annual Meeting of INMM Japan, November 27-28, 2024.
新保幸輝、出町和之, "Beyond DBT を想定したシナリオ抽出フレームワークの開発", 第45回日本核物質管理学会年次大会 (2024/11/27-28).
Shi Chen, Feiyan Dong, Kazuyuki Demachi, "Hybrid visual information analysis for on-site occupational hazards identification: A case study on stairway safety", Safety Science, Volume 159, 2023, 106043. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2022.106043)
Feiyan Dong, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, Masanori Yoshikawa, Akiyuki Seki, Shigeru Takaya, Attention-based time series analysis for data-driven anomaly detection in nuclear power plants, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 404, 2023, 112161. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2023.112161)
Zhan Li, Xingyu Song, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi. "Data, Language and Graph-based Reasoning Methods for Identification of Human Malicious Behaviors in Nuclear Security." Expert Systems with Applications (2023): 121367. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eswa.2023.121367)
Shi Chen, Feiyan Dong, Kazuyuki Demachi, Masato Watanabe, Yoshiyuki Kato, "Hybrid visual information analysis for intelligent occupational safety and health management in nuclear facilities", The 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30), Kyoto, Japan May 21-26, 2023.
Feiyan Dong, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, Masanori Yoshikawa, Akiyuki Seki, Shigeru Takaya, "Channel-wise Attention-based Time Series Analysis Framework for Ensuring Nuclear Safety in Nuclear Facilities", The 30th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE30), Kyoto, Japan May 21-26, 2023.
Xingyu Song, Zhan Li, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, "Game Engine Based Data Augmentation with In-game Customization and Modeling for Malicious Behaviors Identification in Nuclear Security", INMM/ESARDA 2023 Joint Annual Meeting, May 22-26, 2023.
Yue Xiao, Feiyan Dong, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, "Datasets generation with virtual cyber physical system design and cyber-attacks simulation on nuclear facilities", INMM/ESARDA 2023 Joint Annual Meeting, May 22-26, 2023.
Zhan Li, Xingyu Song, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, "Malicious behaviors identification in nuclear security based on visual relationships extraction and knowledge reasoning", INMM/ESARDA 2023 Joint Annual Meeting, May 22-26, 2023.
笠原直人、出町和之、佐藤拓哉、一宮正和、山野秀将、中村いずみ, "原子炉構造レジリエンスを向上させる破損の拡大抑制技術の開発 (20) 壊れ方が破局的でない受動安全構造の提案", 日本原子力学会2023年春の年会 (2023/3/13-15)
出町和之、阿部哲、陳実、栗坂健一, "原子炉構造レジリエンスを向上させる破損の拡大抑制技術の開発 (22) レジリエンス向上効果可視化手法の適用性評価", 日本原子力学会2023年春の年会 (2023/3/13-15)
阿部哲、出町和之、陳実, "原子力発電所の事故時の対応策自動生成のためのフレームワーク", 日本原子力学会2023年春の年会 (2023/3/13-15)
Yue Xiao, Feiyan Dong, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, “Design of a virtual cyber physical system for simulating cyber-attacks on nuclear facilities”, 2023 Annual Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Mar. 2023.
Xingyu Song, Zhan Li, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, “Game Engine Based Data Augmentation for Malicious Behaviors Identification in Nuclear Security”, 2023 Annual Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Mar. 2023.
Zhan Li, Xingyu Song, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, “Temporal scene graph based action sequence analysis for malicious behaviors identification in nuclear security”, 2023 Annual Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Mar. 2023.
出町和之、阿部哲、陳実、笠原直人, "レジリエンス指標を用いたレジリエンス向上効果可視化", 日本保全学会第19回学術講演会 (2023/8/27-30)
出町和之, "原子力プラントにおける核セキュリティ監視のための深層学習", 日本保全学会第19回学術講演会 (2023/8/27-30)
出町和之, "強化学習を用いたSociety5.0に合致する原子力DXの提案", 日本保全学会第19回学術講演会 (2023/8/27-30)
陳実、出町和之、渡邉将人、加藤義之, "画像認識と自然言語処理の連成による作業安全監視", 日本保全学会第19回学術講演会 (2023/8/27-30)
董飛艶、陳実、出町和之, "Time series analysis with combined learning approach for anomaly detection in nuclear power plants", 日本保全学会第19回学術講演会 (2023/8/27-30)
Zhan Li, Xingyu Song, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, "A novel reasoning method for identification of human malicious behaviors based on computer vision and natural language processing", 日本保全学会第19回学術講演会 (2023/8/27-30)
肖楽、董飛艶、陳実、出町和之, "Generating datasets via virtual cyber physical system design and simulating cyber attacks on nuclear facilities", 日本保全学会第19回学術講演会 (2023/8/27-30)
出町和之, "Society5.0に合致する核セキュリティDXの提案", 日本原子力学会2023年秋の年会 (2023/9/6-8)
出町和之、阿部哲、陳実、笠原直人, "原子炉構造レジリエンスを向上させる破損の拡大抑制技術の開発(29) 受動安全構造によるレジリエンス向上のレジリエンス指標を用いた可視化", 日本原子力学会2023年秋の年会 (2023/9/6-8)
Zhan Li, Xingyu Song, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi. "Abnormal detection in nuclear security videos based on label-specific autoencoders and reconstruction errors comparison", The 44th Annual Meeting of INMM Japan, November 21-22, 2023.
Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, Feiyan Dong, "Graph-based linguistic and visual information integration for on-site occupational hazards identification", Automation in Construction, Volume 137, 2022, 104191. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2022.104191)
Pohl Michel, Mitsuru Uesaka, Hiroyuki Takahashi, Kazuyuki Demachi, Ritu Bhusal Chhatkuli. "Prediction of the Position of External Markers Using a Recurrent Neural Network Trained With Unbiased Online Recurrent Optimization for Safe Lung Cancer Radiotherapy." Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine (2022): 106908. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2022.106908)
Yuto Tamura, Kazuyuki Demachi, Hiroshi Igaki, Hiroyuki Okamoto, and Masahiro Nakano. "A Real-Time Four-Dimensional Reconstruction Algorithm of Cine-Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Cine-MRI) Using Deep Learning." Cureus 14, no. 3 (2022). (https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.22826)
Kazuyuki Demachi, Shi Chen. "Logical Representation of Rule Sentences for Malicious Acts Identification Using Natural Language Processing." Journal of Nuclear Materials Management 50.2 (2022): 28-38.
Feiyan Dong, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi. "An Attention-based Anomaly Detection Model for Ensuring Cyber Security in Nuclear Facilities", INMM 63rd Annual Meeting, July 24-28, 2022.
Feiyan Dong, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, Masanori Yoshikawa, Akiyuki Seki, Shigeru Takaya. "A Weakly Supervised Time Series Analysis Framework for Anomaly Detection in Nuclear Power Plants", 29th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE29), Shenzhen, China, August 8-12, 2022. (https://doi.org/10.1115/ICONE29-91609)
出町和之、陳実, "画像深層学習と自然言語処理を融合した検知手法の提案・開発・実装", 日本原子力学会2022年春の年会 (2022/3/16-18)
Feiyan Dong, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, “Weakly Supervised Time Series Analysis for Fault Diagnosis in Nuclear Power Plants”, 2022 Annual Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Mar. 2022.
桑原悠士、出町和之、陳実、笠原直人、西野裕之、小野田雄一、栗坂健一, "原子炉構造レジリエンスを向上させる破損の拡大抑制技術の開発 (14)レジリエンス向上効果可視化のための時間効果と事象の動的変化を考慮に入れた動的PRA", 日本原子力学会2022年春の年会 (2022/3/16-18)
出町和之、陳実、渡邉将人、加藤義之, "AIを用いた違反行為・危険状況の監視", 日本保全学会第18回学術講演会 (2022/7/13-15)
三木大輔、出町和之, "軸受故障診断のためのスパイキングニューラルネットワークに関する検討", 日本保全学会第18回学術講演会 (2022/7/13-15)
出町和之、董飛艶、阿部哲、陳実、高屋茂、関 暁之、吉川雅紀、三木大輔, "深層学習を用いた機器・プラントの異常検知と識別", 日本保全学会第18回学術講演会 (2022/7/13-15)
出町和之、河合理城、杉野弘樹、江藤淳二、上形知道、児玉茂雄、森正明、山本敬之、刈部浩明、中野正規, "原子力DXに係る今後我が国が目指すべき方向性", 日本保全学会第18回学術講演会 (2022/7/13-15)
杉野弘樹、河合理成、上形知道、江藤淳二、児玉茂雄、森正明、山本敬之、刈部浩明、中野正規、 出町和之, "原子力発電所へのデジタル技術導入に係る課題", 日本保全学会第18回学術講演会 (2022/7/13-15)
児玉茂雄、森正明、出町和之、河合理城、 杉野弘樹、江藤淳二、上形知道、山本敬之、刈部浩明、中野正規, "原子力DXに係る現場視点からの期待", 日本保全学会第18回学術講演会 (2022/7/13-15)
河合理城、杉野弘樹、上形知道、江藤淳二、児玉茂雄、森正明、山本敬之、刈部浩明、中野正規、 出町和之, "原子力DXに係る今後の具体的な取り組み", 日本保全学会第18回学術講演会 (2022/7/13-15)
Feiyan DONG, Shi CHEN, Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Masanori YOSHIKAWA, Akiyuki, SEKI, Shigeru TAKAYA, “An attention-based anomaly detection model for ensuring safety in Nuclear Power Plants”, 18th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Maintenology (2022/7/13-15)
阿部哲、出町和之、陳実, "弱教師あり深層学習による回転機器異常の多クラス分類", 日本保全学会第18回学術講演会 (2022/7/13-15)
出町和之, "机上訓練を活用した最適対策案自動提示手法の提案", 日本核物質管理学会(INMMJ)第43回年次大会 (2022/11/21-22)
Feiyan Dong, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, "An Attention-based Time Series Analysis Model for Ensuring Cyber Security in Nuclear Power Plants", 日本核物質管理学会(INMMJ)第43回年次大会 (2022/11/21-22)
Xingyu Song, Zhan Li, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, "Real-time Malicious Behaviors Identification for Nuclear Facilities using Vision-based Object Detection and Pose Estimation", 日本核物質管理学会(INMMJ)第43回年次大会 (2022/11/21-22)
Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, "Towards on-site hazards identification of improper use of personal protective equipment using deep learning-based geometric relationships and hierarchical scene graph", Automation in Construction, Volume 125, 2021, 103619. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103619)
Akihiro Nakano, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi, "Cross-Task Consistency Learning Framework for Multi-Task Learning", arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.14122. (https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.14122)
Pohl Michel, Mitsuru Uesaka, Kazuyuki Demachi, Ritu Bhusal Chhatkuli. "Prediction of the motion of chest internal points using a recurrent neural network trained with real-time recurrent learning for latency compensation in lung cancer radiotherapy." Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics 91 (2021): 101941. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compmedimag.2021.101941)
Kazuyuki Demachi, Shi Chen, Masaki Sudo. "Towards Malicious Action Detection for Nuclear Security via Integrated Deep Learning Based Image Recognition and Natural Language Processing", 28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE28), August 4-6, 2021.(https://doi.org/10.1115/ICONE28-64559)
Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi. "A Graph-Based Scene Understanding Approach for Ensuring Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment at the Decommissioning Site of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station", 28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE28), August 4-6, 2021. (https://doi.org/10.1115/ICONE28-64193)
Yuto Kuwabara, Kazuyuki Demachi, Shi Chen "Visualization Method of Resilience of Nuclear Structure", 28th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE28), August 4-6, 2021.
Kazuyuki Demachi. "Malicious Action Monitoring Technology By Coupling Deep Leanings Of Image Recognition And Natural Language Processing", INMM/ESARDA 2021 Joint Annual Meeting, August 23-26, 2021.
Yuki Yokochi, Shi Chen, Kazuyuki Demachi. "A Novel Detection Approach to Preventing Theft of Nuclear Materials Using Deep Learning-based Object Detection and Human Pose Estimation", INMM/ESARDA 2021 Joint Annual Meeting, August 23-26, 2021.
Kazuyuki Demachi. "Malicious Action Detection for Nuclear Security via Deep Learning of Image Recognition and Natural Language Processing". IAEA Technical Meeting on Artificial Intelligence for Nuclear Technology and Applications, October 25-29, 2021.
Shi Chen, Feiyan Dong and Kazuyuki Demachi. "A Dynamic Graph-based Time Series Analysis Framework for On-site Occupational Hazards Identification". 38th International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction, November 2-4, 2021. (https://doi.org/10.22260/ISARC2021/0072)
横地悠紀, 陳実, 出町和之, "物体識別と姿勢推定を用いた核物質等盗取行為検知手法の提案", 2021年電子情報通信学会総合大会 (2021/3/9-12)
出町和之, 陳実, 須藤大揮, "画像識別と自然言語処理の AIインターフェイス", 日本原子力学会2021年春の年会 (2021/3/17-19)
桑原悠士、出町和之、陳実、西野裕之、小野田雄一, "原子炉構造レジリエンスを向上させる破損の拡大抑制技術の開発 (4)原子炉構造レジリエンスの可視化手法", 日本原子力学会2021年春の年会 (2021/3/17-19)
笠原直人、出町和之、佐藤拓哉、一宮正和、若井隆純、山野秀将、中村いずみ, "設計想定を超える事象に対する構造強度分野からの新しいアプローチ", 日本保全学会第17回学術講演会 (2021/7/6-8)
出町和之、桑原悠士、笠原直人、陳実、西野裕之、小野田雄一、栗坂健一, "破壊制御技術によるレジリエンス向上効果のレジリエンス指標を用いた可視化", 日本保全学会第17回学術講演会 (2021/7/6-8)
出町和之、陳実, "画像認識と自然言語処理の連成による核セキュリティ悪意行為検知", 日本保全学会第17回学術講演会 (2021/7/6-8)
三木大輔、出町和之, "振動データ解析を目的とした深層ニューラルネットワークおよびその軸受故障識別への適用", 日本保全学会第17回学術講演会 (2021/7/6-8)
Feiyan DONG, Shi CHEN, Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Ryuta HASHIDATE, Shigeru TAKAYA, “Integrating deep learning-based object detection and optical character recognition for automatic extraction of link information from piping and instrumentation diagrams”, 17th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Maintenology (2021/7/6-8)
横地悠紀, 陳実, 出町和之, "核施設における通常の操作からの盗取の識別", 日本保全学会第17回学術講演会 (2021/7/6-8)
桑原悠士、出町和之、笠原直人、陳実、西野裕之、小野田雄一、栗坂健一, "原子炉構造レジリエンスの可視化手法", 日本保全学会第17回学術講演会 (2021/7/6-8)
Shi Chen, and Kazuyuki Demachi. "Proposal of an insider sabotage detection method for nuclear security using deep learning." Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology 56.7 (2019): 599-607. (https://doi.org/10.1080/00223131.2019.1611501)
Daisuke Miki, Shinya Abe, Shi Chen, and Kazuyuki Demachi. "Robust human pose estimation from distorted wide-angle images through iterative search of transformation parameters." Signal, Image and Video Processing (2019): 1-8. (https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-019-01602-5)
Kazuyuki Demachi, Tomoyuki Hori, and Stephen Perrin. "Crack depth estimation of non-magnetic material by convolutional neural network analysis of eddy current testing signal." Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (2019): 1-7. (https://doi.org/10.1080/00223131.2019.1691076)
Ritu Bhusal Chhatkuli, Kazuyuki Demachi, Mitsuru Uesaka, Keiichi Nakagawa, Akihiro Haga, "Development of a markerless tumor-tracking algorithm using prior four-dimensional cone-beam computed tomography", Journal of Radiation Research, Volume 60, Issue 1, pp. 109–115 (2019), (https://doi.org/10.1093/jrr/rry085)
Shi Chen and Kazuyuki Demachi. "Insider Sabotage Detection for Nuclear Facilities using Deep Learning", The 27th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE27), Tsukuba, Japan (2019/5/19-24), (https://doi.org/10.1299/jsmeicone.2019.27.1478)
Kazuyuki Demachi, Tomoyuki Hori and Satoshi Terayama"Preventive detection of equipment abnormality from condition monitoring signal using machine learning", The 27th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE27), Tsukuba, Japan (2019/5/19-24), (https://doi.org/10.1299/jsmeicone.2019.27.1476)
Daisuke Miki, Shinya Abe, Shi Chen and Kazuyuki Demachi. "Robust Human Motion Recognition from Distorted Wide-Angle Images for Video Surveillance", The 27th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE27), Tsukuba, Japan (2019/5/19-24), (https://doi.org/10.1299/jsmeicone.2019.27.1789)
Kazuyuki Demachi, Daisuke Miki, Shi Chen, “Development of Sabotage Detection Technology using Deep Learning Model”, The 9th ESARDA Workshop(2019)
Kazuyuki Demachi, Shi Chen, Masaki Sudo and Naoto Kasahara, “Dangerous behavior detection for occupational safety using deep learning”, University of Toronto, McMaster University and the University of Tokyo Joint Workshop (2019)
有路翔太、三木大輔、出町和之, “弱教師付き学習による人物の不自然動作の検知”, 電子情報通信学会2019年総合大会 (2019/3/20)
Shi Chen, Ryo Kubota, Kazuyuki Demachi, "Skeleton based Hand Motion Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network", 2019 IEICE General Conference, Tokyo, Mar. 2019.
桑原建一郎、出町和之, “オプティカルフローを用いた3次元画像再構成による腫瘍突発的挙動早期検出手法の開発”, 電子情報通信学会2019年総合大会 (2019/3/21)
三木大輔、阿部真也、有路翔太、陳実、出町和之, “パノラマ映像からの人物動作認識のための3DCGを用いた学習手法”, 電子情報通信学会2019年総合大会 (2019/3/22)
出町和之、陳実、“監視カメラ動画の深層学習を用いた手元動作識別手法の開発”、日本原子力学会2019年春の大会(2019/3/20-22), (https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event-img/aesj2019s/2N02/public/pdf?type=in)
堀智之、出町和之、“渦電流探傷信号の深層学習による欠陥深さ同定”、日本原子力学会2019年春の大会(2019/3/20-22), (https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event-img/aesj2019s/2L01/public/pdf?type=in)
寺山怜志、 “回帰型ニューラルネットワークを用いた動的機器の 早期異常検知”, 日本原子力学会 関東・甲越支部第12回学生研究発表会(2019/3/8)
出町和之,「原子力学会SS分科会活動の概要」日本原子力学会2019年春の年会 (2019/3/20-22), (https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event-img/aesj2016s/TN0401/public/pdf?type=in)
出町和之,「2Sインターフェイス机上訓練」日本原子力学会2019年春の年会 (2019/3/20-22), (https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event-img/aesj2019s/2N_PL04/public/pdf?type=in)
出町和之「技術の現場と倫理の相互作用:AI技術を例に(3)保全分野におけるAI導入に向けた取り組み事例」日本原子力学会2019年秋の大会(2019/3/20-22), (https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event-img/aesj2019f/2O_PL03/public/pdf?type=in)
出町和之、堀智之、”深層学習を用いたECT信号からのキズ深さ同定”, 日本保全学会第16回学術講演会 (2019/7/24-26)
出町和之、寺山怜志、”深層学習を用いた動的機器モニタリング信号による予知保全”, 日本保全学会第16回学術講演会 (2019/7/24-26)
出町和之、陳実、”深層学習による動画データからの手元動作認識”, 日本保全学会第16回学術講演会 (2019/7/24-26)
三木大輔、阿部真也、陳実、出町和之、”広角映像の歪みに頑健な注目点検出手法の開発と人物動作解析への応用”, 日本保全学会第16回学術講演会 (2019/7/24-26)
出町和之, ”シングルデプス画像からの畳み込みニューラルネットワークによる手元 動作識別”, 第 40 回日本核物質管理学会年次大会 (2019/11/19-20)
出町和之、堀智之、"畳み込みニューラルネットワーク用いたECT信号からのキズ深さ同定",M&M2019 材料力学カンファレンス (2019/11/02-04), (https://doi.org/10.1299/jsmemm.2019.OS0402)
出町和之, "原子力発電所における核セキュリティと課題(3)内部脅威者対策", 保全学, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 2-6 (2018)
出町和之, "原子力発電所における核セキュリティと課題(2)物理的防護システム", 保全学, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 8-12 (2018)
Kazuyuki Demachi, Shi Chen, "Development of Malicious Hand Behaviors Detection Method by Movie Analysis", International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE26) (2018/7/17-20), (https://doi.org/10.1115/ICONE26-81643)
Masaaki Suzuki, Kazuyuki Demachi, Shigeru Takaya, Yoshitaka Chikazawa, "Evaluation Method of Response Reliability During an Accident and its Applicability to Fast Reactor Plants", International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE26) (2018/7/17-20), (https://doi.org/10.1115/ICONE26-82567)
Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Shi CHEN, "Development of Sabotage Hand Behaviors Detection Method by Image Analysis", 59th Annual Meeting of Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (Baltimore, USA), (2018/7/22-26)
Kazuyuki Demachi, Kennichiro Kuwabara, Shi Chen and Koji Okamoto,"Study on Pu-burner High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor in Japan - 7. Security evaluation", Proc of HTR2018, Warsaw, Poland, Paper HTR 2018-0100, (October 8-10, 2018).
出町和之、陳実, "手元画像の時系列解析による動作識別技術の開発", 日本原子力学会2017年春の年会 (2018/03/27), (https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event-img/aesj2018s/2A08/public/pdf?type=in)
出町和之、陳実, "手元動作の時系列データを用いた内部脅威者妨害破壊行為の検知", 電子情報通信学会2018年総合大会 (2018/3/21)
Shi CHEN, Arthur FUJIMURA, Kazuyuki DEMACHI, “A Robust Hand Motion Recognition Method using Deep Neural Network”, 2018 IEICE General Conference, Tokyo, Mar. 2018.
出町和之、陳実、堀智之、”手元画像解析と機械学習に基づく妨害破壊行為検知手法の開発”, 日本保全学会第15回学術講演会 (2018/7/10-12)
出町和之, ”原子力施設のサイバーセキュリティターゲット同定手法の開発”, 日本原子力学会 2018年秋の大会(2018/9/5-7)
出町和之, 桑原建一郎, 陳実, 岡本孝司,"プルトニウム燃焼高温ガス炉を実現するセキュリティ強化型安全燃料開発(23) 高温ガス炉における核セキュリティ評価", 日本原子力学会2018年秋の大会(2018/9/5-7), (https://confit.atlas.jp/guide/event-img/aesj2018f/2H04/public/pdf?type=in)
Shi CHEN, Kazuyuki DEMACHI, “Development of Vision-based Insider Sabotage Detection System for Nuclear Security”, 2018 Fall Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Okayama, Japan, Sep. 2018.
Maoxin Tang, Kazuyuki Demachi, Kenichiro Kuwabara, Ritu Bhusal Chhatkuli, Keniichi Nakawaga, Masahiro Nakano, Kanabu Nawa, "Reconstruction of Tumor Behaviors Movie by Optical Flow and Principal Component Analysis", The 116th Scientific Meeting of the Japan Society of Medical Physics (JSMP), Iwate, Japan, Sep. 2018
Shi CHEN, Kazuyuki DEMACHI, "A Vision-based Hand Motion Recognition Model for Insider Sabotage Detection using Deep Neural Network", The 39th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management Japan Chapter(INMMJ), Tokyo, Japan, Nov. 2018.
Qiu, Jinxing, Pei, Cuixiang, Liu, Haochen, Chen, Zhenmao, Demachi, Kazuyuki, "Remote inspection of surface cracks in metallic structures with fiber-guided laser array spots thermography", NDT & E INTERNATIONAL, Vol.92, pp.213-220 (2017), (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ndteint.2017.09.006)
Mitsutoshi Suzuki, Kazuyuki Demachi, "Security by facility design for sabotage protection", Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 2017, pp.1-9 (2017), (https://doi.org/10.1080/00223131.2017.1417170)
Shi CHEN, Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Tomoyuki FUJITA, Yutaro NAKASHIMA, Yusuke KAWASAKI, “Insider Malicious Behaviors Detection and Prediction Technology for Nuclear Security”, E-journal of Advanced Maintenance (EJAM), Vol.9, No.3, pp. 66-71, 2017. (https://www.jsm.or.jp/ejam/Vol.9No.2/AA/AA130/AA130.pdf)
出町和之, "原子力発電所における核セキュリティと課題(1)核セキュリティの基礎", 保全学, Vol. 16, No. 3, pp. 8-14 (2017)
Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Jonathan POLI and Koji OKAMOTO, "Development of Security and Safety Fuel for Pu-burner HTGR (6) Evaluation on Security and Safety", International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE25) (2017)
Shi CHEN, Kazuyuki DEMACHI, “Vision-Based Hand Motion Recognition for Insider Sabotage Detection using Deep Learning”, International Conference on Physical Protection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities, Vienna, Austria, Nov. 2017.
出町和之、陳実, "動画像の時系列解析による原子力施設における妨害破壊行為動作の検知", 第38回日本核物質管理学会年次大会 (2017/11/21)
出町和之、陳実、岡本孝司, "プルトニウム燃焼高温ガス炉を実現するセキュリティ強化型安全燃料開発(15) プルトニウム高温ガス炉に係る枢要区域同定解析", 日本原子力学会2017年秋の年会 (2017/09)
出町和之, "動画像の時系列解析による妨害破壊行為動作の検知", 日本保全学会第14回学術講演会 (2017/07)
出町和之, "時系列解析を用いた人の危険行為検知", 2017年総合大会 (2017/03)
Shi CHEN, Kazuyuki DEMACHI, “Detection of Insider Sabotage using Time-Series Data Analysis of Hand Motion”, 14th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Maintenology, Matsuyama, Aug. 2017.
Shi CHEN, Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Yusuke KAWASAKI, Yutaro NAKASHIMA, “Detection of Insiders Malicious Behaviors for Nuclear Security by Hand Motion Analysis”, 2017 Annual Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Tokai University Shonan Campus, Mar. 2017.
Shi CHEN, Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Yusuke KAWASAKI, Yutaro NAKASHIMA, “Detection of Malicious Behaviors for Nuclear Security by using Kinect v2”, 2017 IEICE General Conference, Nagoya, Mar. 2017.
Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Masaaki SUZUKI, Hiroshi MIYANO, Shigeki ARAI, Takao NAKAMURARAI, Masaaki KAMAYA, Atsunori YAMAGUCHI, Tatsuya ITOI, Naoto KASAHARA and Kenta MURAKAMI, “Development of Resilience Evaluation Method for Nuclear Power Plan (Part.1: Proposal of Resilience Index for Assessment Index of Safety of Nuclear Power Plant under Severe Accident) (EJAM), Vol.8, No.2, AA118, 2016.
出町和之、「主成分分析と特異スペクトル分析の組み合わせによる動画の未来予測手法の開発」、日本画像学会誌、Vol.55, No. 3, pp. 297-302 (2016), (https://doi.org/10.11370/isj.55.297)
出町和之、山口篤憲、「状態監視保全の高度化への取り組み」、検査技術、Vol. 21, No.3, pp. 54-57 (2016)
出町和之、鈴木正昭、糸井達哉、村上健太、笠原直人、宮野廣、中村隆夫、荒井滋喜、釜谷昌幸、山口篤憲、松本昌昭、「原子力プラントにおけるレジリエンス評価法の開発(その1:原子力プラントの事故時安全性評価指標としてのレジリエンス指標の提案)」、日本保全学会誌Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 65-70 (2016), (https://doi.org/10.18944/jsm.15.1_65)
出町和之、河合理城、木内隆、菅原浩一郎、「SSA法とMSSA法を用いた追尾放射線治療のための肺腫瘍挙動予測手法の開発」、日本AEM学会誌Vol. 24, No.1, pp.28-35 (2016), (https://doi.org/10.14243/jsaem.24.28)
Shi CHEN, Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Tomoyuki FUJITA, Yutaro NAKASHIMA, Yusuke KAWASAKI、Insider Malicious Behaviors Detection and Prediction Technology for Nuclear Security、2016 International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology、2016/11/1~4, (https://www.jsm.or.jp/ejam/Vol.9No.2/AA/AA130/AA130.pdf)
Poli Jonathan, Kazuyuki Demachi、An Information-Theoretic Approach to Assessing Resilience in Nuclear Power Plants、ICNST 2016 : 18th International Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology、2016/5/26-27
出町和之、宮野 廣、西田 誠志、荒井 滋喜、鈴木 美寿、木村 祥紀、中村 陽、成宮 祥介、鈴木 正昭、「「原子力における2S(原子力安全と核セキュリティ)に係る課題と提言」(3) 内部脅威者の検知手段の重要性と新しい検知システムの検討」、日本原子力学会2016年春の年会、2016年3月26日~28日.
出町和之、宮野 廣、西田 誠志、荒井 滋喜、鈴木 美寿、木村 祥紀、中村 陽、成宮 祥介、鈴木 正昭、「「原子力における2S(原子力安全と核セキュリティ)に係る課題と提言」(1) 原子力学会SS分科会活動の概要」、日本原子力学会2016年春の年会、2016年3月26日~28日.
Poli Jonathan, Kazuyuki Demachi、AN INFORMATION-THEORETIC APPROACH TO RESILIENCE ASSESSMENT、日本原子力学会2016春の年会、2016/3/26-28
Poli Jonathan, Kazuyuki Demachi、An Information-Theoretic Approach to resilliece Assessment、日本保全学会第13回、2016/7/25-27
Shi CHEN, Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Tomoyuki FUJITA, Yutaro NAKASHIMA, Yusuke KAWASAKI, “Detection and Prediction of Insider Malicious Behavior for Nuclear Security using Kinect”, 2016 Fall Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan, Kurume, Sept. 2016.
Shi CHEN, Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Tomoyuki FUJITA, Yutaro NAKASHIMA, Yusuke KAWASAKI, “Sign Detection of Future Malicious Behavior for Nuclear Security”, 13th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Maintenology, Yokohama, Jul. 2016.
Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Hiroshi MIYANO, Shigeru ARAI, Masaaki SUZUKI, Tatsuya ITOI, Atsunori YAMAGUCHI, Kenta MURAKAMI and Masaaki MATSUMOTO, “Maintenance Index for System Safety Assessment for Aging Nuclear Power Plant”, E-journal of Advanced Maintenance (EJAM), Vol.7, No.3, AA114, 2015. (https://www.jsm.or.jp/ejam/Vol.7No.3/AA/AA114/AA114.pdf)
Kazuyuki Demachi, “Animation Future Prediction Method by PCA and SST “, Proc. of 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, pp. 1131-1138, 2015. (https://www.dpi-proceedings.com/index.php/SHM2015/article/view/804)
Kazuyuki Demachi, “Movie Future Prediction Method by Combination of Principal Component Analysis and Singular Spectrum Analysis“, International Conference on Applied & Engineering Physics, The Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam, Oct. 13-16, 2015.
Kazuyuki Demachi, “Animation Future Prediction Method by PCA and SST “, 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, Stanford University, USA, Sep. 1-3, 2015
Poli Jonathan, Kazuyuki Demachi、AN INFORMATION-THEORETIC APPROACH TO RESILIENCE ENGINEERING、Resilience Workshop(東京大学レジリエンス工学研究センター主催)、2015年12月1日
出町和之、「プルトニウム燃焼高温ガス炉を実現するセキュリティ強化型安全燃料開発 (2) 高温ガス炉における核セキュリティ評価」、日本原子力学会2015年秋の大会、2015年9月9日~11日.
出町和之、鈴木 正昭、糸井達哉、笠原直人、宮野廣、中村隆夫、荒井滋喜、釜谷昌幸、山口篤憲、松本昌昭、「原子力プラントの事故時安全性評価指標としてのレジリエンス指標の提案」、日本保全学会第12回学術講演会, 2015年7月13~15日.
Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Hiroshi SAKAKIBARA, Kazuma KAMIAKA and Ritu Chattkuli Buhsal, “Development of Animation Future Prediction Method”, E-journal of Advanced Maintenance (EJAM), Vol.5, No.4, NT60, 2014.
Kazuyuki DEMACHI, Hiroshi SAKAKIBARA, Kazuma KAMIAKA, “Development of Future Prediction of Animation by coupling of Principle Component Analysis and Singular Spectrum Analysis”, E-Journal of Advanced Maintenane, Vol. 5, No.3, pp. 72-73 (2014).
Kazuyuki Demachi, “Resilience Index for System Safety Assessment for Nuclear Power Plant”, 2nd International Conference of Maintenance Science and Technology, Kobe University, Nov. 2-5, 2014.
Kazuyuki Demachi, Hiroshi Miyano, Shigeru Arai, Masaaki Suzuki, Tatsuya Itoi, Atsunori yamaguchi, Kenta Murakami and Masaaki Matsumoto, “Maintenance Index for System Safety Assessment for Aging Nuclear Power Plant”, Proc. of 2nd International Conference of Maintenance Science and Technology, Nov. 2-5, 2014.
Kazuma Kamiaka, Kazuyuki Demachi, Yusuke Kawasaki, Ritu Bhusal Chhatkuli, Naoto Kasahara、Development of Sabotage Detection Method using Deep Learning、2nd International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology 、November, 2014
宮野廣、関村直人、出町和之、荒井滋喜、松本昌昭、「福島事故の教訓と運転プラントのシステム安」、日本保全学会第11回学術講演会, 2014年7月23-25日.
Ritu Bhusal Chhatkuli, Kazuyuki Demachi, Akihiro Haga, Hiroshi Sakakibara, Mituru Uesaka、A study for the implementation of dynamic tracking radiotherapy system based on time series image prediction method、International Conference on Medical Physics(ICMP 2013)、September, 2013
出町和之、宮野廣、荒井滋喜、村上健太、鈴木正昭、山口篤憲、織田満之、磯敦夫、大城戸忍、松澤寛、「保全指標に基づくシステム安評価 保全指標に基づくシステム安評価診断」、日本保全学会第10回学術講演会、2013年7月25-26日.
出町和之、「原子力安全確保のための深層防護の考え方 (3)深層防護による安全確保のアプローチ」、日本原子力学会2013年秋の大会、2013年9月3日~5日.
中村優介、出町和之、Ritu Chhatkuli、芳賀昭弘、榊原洋志、上赤一馬、上坂充、「放射線治療のための画像を用いた肺腫瘍挙動予測システム開発」、日本原子力学会2013年秋の大会(2013年9月)
河合 理城、「高精度放射線治療のための予測システムの開発」、東京大学先端医療シーズ開発フォーラム、2013年1月25日
榊原洋志、出町和之、河合理城、Ritu Chhatkuli, 上赤一馬、笠原直人、「主成分分析とMSSA法を用いた動画予測手法の開発」、平成25年日本原子力学会北関東支部若手研究者発表会、2013年4月1日
Ritu Bhusal Chhatkuli, Kazuyuki Demachi, Masaki Kawai, Hiroshi Sakakibara, Mituru Uesaka、Development of a real time motion image prediction system with ROI selection for lung tumor tracking in radiation therapy、第105回日本医学物理学会学術大会、2013年4月1日
榊原洋志,出町和之,上赤一馬, Ritu Bhusal Chhatkuli, 笠原直人、「MSSA法と主成分分析による動画予測手法の開発」、日本原子力学会2013年秋の大会、2013年9月1日
C. Pei, K. Demachi, H. Zhu, T. Fukuchi, K. Koyama, M. Uesaka, "Inspection of cracks using laser-induced ultrasound with shadow method: modeling and vailidation", Optics & Laser Technology, Vol.44, pp. 860-865, 2012. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2011.11.018)
Hiroshi Sakakibara, Kazuyuki Demachi, Masaki Kawai, Ritu Bhusal Chhatkuli, Kazuma Kamiaka, Naoto Kasahara, “Development of Anomalous Detection using Movie Prediction”, 1st International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology (November 2012).
Hiroshi Miyano, Akira Yamaguchi, Kazuyuki Demachi, Masaaki Matsumoto, “Study of System Safety Evaluation on LTO of National Project”, 1st International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology (November 2012).
Kazuyuki Demachi, Hiroshi Sakakiabara, Kazuma Kamiaka and Ritu Buhsal Chattkuli, “Movie Prediction Technique based on the PCA and SSA Method.”, 1st International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology (November 2012).
Ritu Bhusal Chhatkuli, Kazuyuki Demachi, Masaki Kawai, Hiroshi Sakakibara, Kazuma Kamiaka and Mitsuru Uesaka、An approach for Motion Image Prediction and Reconstruction using Principal Component Analysis,” 1st International Conference on Maintenance Science and Technology (November 2012).
河合 理城,出町 和之,石川 正純,白土 博樹,上坂 充、「MSSA法を用いた腫瘍動体予測システムの開発」、日本機械学会 2012年度年次大会、2012年9/9~9/12
Ritu Bhusal Chhatkuli, Kazuyuki Demachi, Masaki Kawai, Hiroshi Sakakibara and Mitsuru Uesaka、Development of motion image prediction method using principal component analysis、日本保全学会 第9回学術講演会、2012年7/25~7/27
Ritu Bhusal Chhatkuli, Kazuyuki Demachi, Masaki Kawai, Hiroshi Sakakibara and Mitsuru Uesaka 、Movie prediction of lung tumor for precise chasing radiation therapy、第104回日本医学物理学会学術大会、2012年9/13~9/15日
榊原洋志、出町和之、河合理城、Ritu Chhatkuli, 上赤一馬、「動画予測を用いた異常診断手法の開発」、日本保全学会第9回学術講演会、2012年7月1日
Haitao Zhu, Kazuyuki Demachi, Masaki Sekino, Phase Gradient Imaging for Positive Contrast Generation to SPIO-labeled Targets in MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Vol. 29, 891-898, 2011, (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mri.2011.04.011)
Masaki Kawai, Kazuyuki Demachi, Hiroki Shirato, Masayori Ishikawa and Mitsuru Uesaka、Development of Prediction System for Moving Tumor by MSSA for Chasing Radiotherapy、6th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics, 11th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics、2011年9/29~10/1
MSSA法を用いた肺腫瘍の呼吸時動線の予測、出町和之* , 河合理城、第3 回 検査・評価・保全に関する連携講演会 、2011.12.15-16.
ポジティブコントラスト法を用いたMRIにおける腫瘍画像強調、出町和之,朱 海涛、関野正樹、第3 回 検査・評価・保全に関する連携講演会 、2011.12.15-16.
河合理城,出町和之,水口明,石川正純,白土博樹,上坂充、「M-SSA法を用いた腫瘍の挙動予測 」、第101回日本医学物理学会学術大会、2011年4/7~4/10
Cuixiang Pei and Kazuyuki Demachi, "Numerical simulation of residual stress measurement with acoustic wave", EJAM, Vol.2 (2010/2011) 160-167.
Akira Mizuguchi and Kazuyuki Demachi, “Establish of the prediction system of chest skin motion with SSA method”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 33, pp. 1529–1533 (2010), (https://doi.org/10.3233/JAE-2010-1281)
Haitao Zhu, Kazuyuki Demachi, “Phase Characteristic of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Particles in Magnetic Resonance Imaging”, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetic and Mechanics, Vol. 33 (2), pp.721-726, 2010. (https://doi.org/10.3233/JAE-2010-1178)
Kazuyuki Demachi, Haitao Zhu and Yurika Mizutani, “Estimation of MRI visualization using phase shift by nano-size ferromagnetic particles”, Int. J. Appl. Electromagnetics and Mech. (IOS Press) Vol.33, pp. 751-757, 2010. (https://doi.org/10.3233/JAE-2010-1182)
C. Pei, K. Demachi, H. Zhu, T. Fukuchi, K. Koyama, M. Uesaka, "Inspection of cracks using laser-induced ultrasound with shadow method: modeling and vailidation", Optics & Laser Technology, (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optlastec.2011.11.018)
Haitao Zhu, Kazuyuki Demachi, Enhanced MRI of SPIO-labeled Tumor by Images from Opposite Readout Gradients, World Molecular Imaging Conference (WMIC), 2010.9.8-11, Kyoto.
Haitao Zhu, Kazuyuki Demachi, A Positive Contrast Method for MR-Lymphography Using Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, (ISMRM), 2010.5.1-7, Stockholm.
SSA法を用いた呼吸時横隔膜挙動の推定、水口明,出町和之,上坂充,芳賀昭弘,木田智士、日本医学物理学会「第99回学術大会」 、2010.4.9-11
RJ Iwatate, H Zhu, K Demachi and M Uesaka, “The Positive Contrast Method for MRI Using Susceptibility Artifact”, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Nanomedicine p.49 (Okazaki, 2010)
出町和之、朱海涛、石川正純、白土博樹、「追尾照射放射線治療のための腫瘍挙動予測シミュレーション」、日本AEM学会誌, Vol. 17, No. 2 (2009) pp. 222-226.
E. Hashimoto, T. Yamamoto, T. Natsui, K. Koyama, K. Demachi, M. Uesaka, N. Nakamura, M. Yamamoto and E Tanabe, “Medical and Nuclear Applications of Micro Electro-Beam Linear Accelerator X-Ray Sources”, Int. J. Automation Technology, Vol. 3, No.5, pp. 523-532, (2009).
Akira Mizuguchi and Kazuyuki Demachi, “Esablish of the prediction system of chest skin motion with SSA method”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, JSAEM Stud. in Appl. Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 13 (2009) pp. 589-590. (https://doi.org/10.3233/JAE-2010-1281)
Kazuyuki Demachi, Haitao Zhu and Yurika MIzutani, “Estimation of MRI visualization using phase shift by nano-size ferromagnetic particles”, JSAEM Stud. in Appl. Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 13 (2009) pp. 271-272. Vol. 13
Haitao Zhu and Kauyuki Demachi, “Phase Characteristic of Superparmagnetic Ion Oxide Particles in Magnetic Resonance Imaging ”, JSAEM Stud. in Appl. Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 13 (2009) pp. 283-284.
Haitao Zhu, Kazuyuki Demachi, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy by Analyzing Images at Two Bandwidths, The 2nd International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics, 2009.10, Tianjin. (https://doi.org/10.1109/BMEI.2009.5305017)
Haitao Zhu, Kazuyuki Demachi, MRI simulation of detecting tumors targeted by USPIO nanoparticles using two slice-selection gradients, International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Science, 2009.4, Phuket.
Kazuyuki Demachi, Haitao Zhu and Yurika Mizutani, “Estimation of MRI visualization using phase shift by nano-size ferromagnetic particles”, International Symposium on Electromagnetics and Mechanics(ISEM), (西安,中国, September 2009)
出町和之、他:「永久磁石とホールセンサを用いたカードサイズバーチャルキーボードの設計開発」電気学会論文誌E IEEJ Trans. SM, Vol. 128, No. 1 (2008), 1-6頁.(https://doi.org/10.1541/ieejsmas.128.1)
Kazuyuki Demachi, and Mizuki Fujita “Inverse analysis of the current dipoles distribution in human brain applyied with the shifting-aperture method”, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics,, Vol. 44, No.6 (2008) pp. 1-4. (https://doi.org/10.1109/TMAG.2007.916366)
K. Demachi, et al, “Diagnosis of Damages of Wings of Rotor by Electromagnetic Field Measurement”, Int. J. Appl. Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 28 (2008) pp. 313-320. (https://doi.org/10.3233/JAE-2008-990)
Haitao Zhu, Kazuyuki Demachi, Detection of Tumor by Paramagnetic Particle DDS via MRI, 第23回生体磁気学会大会, 2008.6. Tokyo
出町和之、宮健三、「保全方程式に基づく最適保全計画策定法の開発」、日本保全学会第5回学術講演会要旨集, pp. 323-328(2008)
出町和之、宮野廣、松岡昌弘、「保全学の構築(3)―保全方程式と最適保全計画の数値化―」, 日本保全学会誌 Vol. 7, No. 3 (2007), pp. 3-8.
出町和之、宮健三、「保全学の構築(2)―保全方程式と最適保全計画の数値化―」 、 日本保全学会誌 Vol. 7, No. 2 (2007), 3-8頁.
出町和之、「今後の規制検査の在り方に対する基本的考察」 、日本保全学会誌 Vol. 6, No. 2 (2007), 10-15頁.
Sergei Rybalko, Kazuyuki Demachi and Masao Sekino, “Susceptibility materials recognition in simulated MR imaging”, Proc. COMPUMAG 2007, 16th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Aachen, Germany (2007), pp. 533-534.
Kazuyuki Demachi, Sergei Rybalko and Mizuki Fujita, “Inverse analysis of the current dipoles distribution in human brain applied with the shifting-aperture method”, Proc. COMPUMAG 2007, 16th International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, Aachen, Germany (2007), pp. 529-530.
Sergei Rybalko and Kazuyuki Demachi, “Susceptibility materials recognition in simulated magnetic resonance imaging”, Proc. Euromar 2007, Magnetic Resonance Conference, Tarragona, Spain (2007), pp. 179-179.
Sergei Rybalko, E. Zhuchkova and Kazuyuki Demachi, “A generalized model of active media with a set on interacting pacemakers: application to the heartbeat analysis”, Proc. PhysCon 2007, The 3rd International IEEE Scientific Conference on Physics and Control , Potsdam, Germany (2007), pp. 232-232.
Kazuyuki Demachi, Noritaka Yusa and Sergei Rybalko, “Diagnosis of damages of Wings of Rotor by Electromagnetic Field Mesurement”, Proc. 13th Int. Symp. Appl. Electromagnetics and Mechanics, (2007), pp. 199-200.
K. Demachi, et al. “Diagnosis of Damages of Wings of Rotor by Electromagnetic Field Measurement”, ISEM2007, (Michigan State University, USA, August 2007).
Masaie, I.; Demachi, K.; Ichihara, T.; Uesaka, M.,"Rotational Loss Modeling in Superconducting Magnetic Bearing", Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on Magn., Volume 16, Issue 2, June 2006 Page(s):1807 – 1810. (https://doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2005.864309)
出町和之 「原子力発電所の保全方式の妥当性に関する調査・検討」 日本保全学会誌 Vol. 5, No. 3 (2006) pp. 36-39.
Masaie, I.; Demachi, K.; Ichihara, T.; Uesaka, M. ,“Numerical evaluation of rotational speed degradation in the superconducting magnetic bearing for various superconducting bulk shapes”, Applied Superconductivity Conference, Jacksonville, Seattle, USA, Aug. 27 – 1 Sep. 2006.
金本良樹、出町和之:「非線形最適化による磁場式バーチャルキーボードの高精度化」、、第15回MAGDAコンファレンス (桐生文化センター、2006年11月1-2日)
出町和之:「保全方式の高度化の検討」、第2回保全学セミナー (FORUM8 クィーンズスクエア(渋谷、東京都)、平成18年11月17日)
K. Demachi, I. Masaie, T. Ichihara and M. Kita, “Rotation speed degradation of superconducting magnetic bearing made of unsymmetrical shaped YBCO bulks”, Physica C, Vol. 426-431 (2005) pp. 826-833. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physc.2005.03.081)
Masaie, I.; Demachi, K.; Ichihara, T.; Uesaka M., "Numerical evaluation of rotational speed degradation in the superconducting magnetic bearing for various superconducting bulk shapes", Applied Superconductivity, IEEE Transactions on Magn., Volume 15, Issue 2, Part 2, (June 2005) Page(s):2257 - 2260. (https://doi.org/10.1109/TASC.2005.849625)
I. Masaie, K. Demachi, K. Matsunaga and M. Uesaka, Numerical evaluation of rotation speed degradation of SMB in the 100kWh superconducting flywheel”, Physica C, Vol. 412-414 (2004) pp. 784-788.
K. Demachi and K. Matsunaga, “Numerical and experimental evaluation of rotation speed degradation of superconducting magnetic bearing”, Physica C, Vol. 412-414 (2004) pp. 789-794. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physc.2004.01.104)
M. Tsuchimoto, K. Demachi and I. Itoh, “Numerical evaluation of uniform magnetic field within superconducting Swiss roll”, Physica C, VOl. 412-424 (2004) pp. 719-722. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.physc.2004.01.096)
S. Takaya, T. Suzuki, Y. Matsumoto, K. Demahci and M. Uesaka, “Estimation of stress corrosion cracking sensitivity of type 304 stainless steel by magnetic force microscope”, J. Nucl. Mater. Vol. 327 (2004) pp. 19-26. (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2004.01.016)
Issei Masaie, Kazuyuki Demachi, Koji Matsunaga and Mitsuru Uesaka, "Numerical evaluation of rotation speed degradation of SMB in the 100 kWh superconducting flywheel", Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications, Vol. 412-414 (2004) pp. 784-788.
N. Yusa, K. Demachi and Z. Chen, “Application of a superconductor to the shield of a remote field eddy current testing probe”, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. and Mech., Vol. 19 (2004) pp. 41-46. (https://doi.org/10.3233/JAE-2004-533)
関村直人、出町和之、「保全数理を学ぼう(1)合理的な保全を計画・実施するために学習すべき数理の基本とは」、日本プラントメンテナンス協会誌 プラントエンジニア Vol. 36, No. 6 (Jun. 2004), 68-74頁.
関村直人、出町和之、「保全数理を学ぼう(2)システムの信頼度・アベイラビリティを数理的に理解しよう」、日本プラントメンテナンス協会誌 プラントエンジニア Vol. 36, No. 7 (Jul. 2004), 53-57頁.
関村直人、出町和之、「保全数理を学ぼう(3)結果から原因を推定する問題を数理的に解析しよう」、日本プラントメンテナンス協会誌 プラントエンジニア Vol. 36, No. 8 (Aug. 2004), 55-60頁.
関村直人、出町和之、「保全数理を学ぼう(4)保全に関わるさまざまな問題を最適化理論で解決しよう」、日本プラントメンテナンス協会誌 プラントエンジニア Vol. 36, No. 9 (Sep. 2004), 59-63頁
関村直人、出町和之、「保全数理を学ぼう(5)最大の安全と利益を得るためのゲーム理論をマスターしよう」、日本プラントメンテナンス協会誌 プラントエンジニア Vol. 36, No. 10 (Oct. 2004), 63-67頁.
関村直人、出町和之、「保全数理を学ぼう(6)ゲーム理論が支える<保全社会学>の理論形成に向けて」、日本プラントメンテナンス協会誌 プラントエンジニア Vol. 36, No. 11 (Nov. 2004), 67-71頁.
Fujita, M. Murata, M. Demachi, K. Uesaka, M, Inverse analysis of the human brain current from the brain magnetic field by the shifting aperture method, Abst., HEALTHCOM 2004.
Masaie, I.; Demachi, K.; Ichihara, T.; Uesaka, M, “Rotational Loss Modeling in Superconducting Magnetic Bearing”, Superconductivity Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, Oct. 3-8 2004.
K. Demachi, “Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of Rotation Speed Degradation of Superconducting Magnetic Bearing”, ISF-Honjo, Honjo-shi, Akita, Nov. 10-11 2004.
K. Demachi, “Numerical and Experimental Evaluation of Rotation Speed Degradation of Superconduting Magnetic Bearing made of unsymmetrical shaped YBCO bulks”, Applied Superconductivity Conference, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, Oct. 3-8 2004.
高屋茂、鈴木隆之、松本善博、出町和之, 上坂充「磁気的手法による応力腐食割れの初期劣化診断」、フォーラム保全学 Vol. 1, No. 4 (2003) pp. 37-43.
K. Demachi et al.,“Numerical and Experimental Analysis of the Rotation speed Degradation", IEEE Trans. of Appl. Supercond., Vol. 13, No. 2, 2003, pp2279-2282.
村田雅俊、出町和之、上坂充、「遺伝的アルゴリズムを用いた脳内電流源推定」、第18回日本生体磁気学会論文集 Vol. 16, No. 1,(日本生体磁気学会誌特別号)(2003) pp. 264-265.
出町 和之, “高温超電導磁気軸受の数値シミュレーション”, 第12回 MAGDAコンファレンス, 大分, 2003年.
Kazuyuki Demachi, Kenzo Miya, Ryoichi Takahata, Hironori Kameno and Hiromasa Higasa, “Numerical Evaluation of rotation speed degradation of superconducting magnetic bearing caused by the electromagnetic phenomena”, Physica C, Vol. 378-381 (2002) pp. 858-863. (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0921-4534(02)01815-4)
出町和之, 「電導現象の構造解析(1)」、フォーラム保全学 Vol. 1, No. 1 (2002) pp.
出町和之, 「電導現象の構造解析(2)」、フォーラム保全学 Vol. 1, No. 2 (2002) pp. 96-102.
白石良佑、出町和之、上坂充:「超電導磁気軸受における回転数劣化と磁気浮上力の相関」第11回MAGDAコンファレンス講演論文集(2002年3月29-30日)pp. 226-229.
Kazuyuki Demachi, “Numerical Evaluation of Shielding Current Flow in Superconducting Thin film”, 15th International Symposium on Superconductivity, Yokohama, 2002.
K. Demachi, R. Numata, R. Shimizu, K. Miya and H. Higasa : ''AC loss of HTSC bulks for magnetic levitation'', J. Mater. Processing Tech., Vol. 108 (2001) pp. 141-144. (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0924-0136(00)00742-1)
K. Demachi, A. Miura, T. Uchimoto, K. Miya, H. Higasa, R. Takahata and H. Kameno : "Experimental and numerical evaluation of rotation speed degradation of radial type superconducting magnetic bearing", PhysicaC Vol. 357-360 (2001) pp. 882-885. (https://doi.org/10.1016/S0921-4534(01)00438-5)
S. Takaya, et al., “Reconstructing magnetization from magnetic flux leakage for evaluation of fatigue degradation”, Electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation, Vol.5, IOS press, p.291 (2001).
K. Demachi, K. Takase, H. Sugiyama and K. Miya : ''Mesoscopic simulation of electromagnetic phenomena in BSCCO single crystal under AC magnetic field'', Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. and Mech. Vol. 11 (2000) 49-55.
出町和之、 宮 健三: ``第2種超電導体の磁束量子動力学'', 日本AEM学会誌, Vol. 7, No. 2, (1999) pp. 134-140.
K. Takase, K. Demachi and K. Miya, ``Numerical Prediction of Jc of Irradiated Bi2212 Single Crystal", JSAEM Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech(1998) pp. 94-99.
K. Demachi and K. Miya, ``Development of 3--dimensional simulation code for fluxoid dynamics of type II superconductor'', IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 34, No. 5, (1998) pp. 3218-3221.
K. Miya, K. Demachi and K. Takase, ``Fluxoid dynamics methods for electromagnetic phenomena of superconductor'', Int. J. Comp. Math. Electr. Electronic Eng., Vol. 17, No. 5/6 (1998) pp. 541-566.
K. Takase, K. Demachi and K. Miya, ``Numerical simulation of fluxoid dynamics in low Tc and high Tc superconductors'', Cryogenics, Vol. 38 (1998) pp. 197-203.
K. Demachi and K. Miya, ``Fluxoid dynamics simulation in type-II superconductor'', Sutd. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol. 11 (1997) pp. 155-161.
吉田 義勝、陳 振茂、出町 和之、宮 健三、樋笠 博正:「高温超電導磁気上における浮上力特性の改善」、平成8年7月 日本機械学会論文集(C編) 62巻 599号 pp. 2633-2639.
Y. Yoshida, K. Miya and K. Demachi, ``Study of magnetic damping effect on dynamic deflection of fusion reactor first wall'', Fus. Eng. Des., Vol. 27, (1995) pp. 473-480.
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida, H. Asakura and K. Miya, ``Numerical analysis of magnetization processes in type II superconductors based on Ginzburg-Landau theory'', IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 32, No. 3 (1996) pp. 1156-1159.
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida and K. Miya, ``Numerical analysis of matnetoelastic buckling of fusion reactor components'', Fus. Eng. Des., Vol. 27 (1995) pp. 490-498.
出町 和之、吉田 義勝、宮 健三、黒川 政秋:「ITER 第一壁における磁気粘性効果」、日本AEM学会誌, Vol. 1, No. 1 (1993) pp. 43-48.
Y. Yoshida, K. Miya, K. Demachi and M. Kurokawa, ``Magnetic damping effects on vibration of conductive shells'', Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. in Mater., Vol. 4 (1993) pp. 1-13.
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida, M. Kurokawa, K. Miya et al.,``Magnetic viscous damping effects of ITER blanket'', Elsevier Stud. Appl. Electromagn. in Mater., Vol. 4 (1993) pp. 113-116.
Akira Miura, Kazuyuki Demachi, Ryota Shimizu, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Kenzo Miya and Hiromasa Higasa, “AC loss of YBCO magnetic bearing coveres with HTSC thin films”, Proc. the 12th Int. Symp. on Superconductivity, (2000) pp. 785-788.
A. Miura, K. Demachi, R. Shimizu, T. Uchimoto, K. Miya and H. Higasa : ''AC loss of YBCO magnetic bearing coveres with HTSC thin films'', Proc. the 12th Int. Symp. on Superconductivity, (2000) pp. 785-788.
R. Shimizu, S. Shindo, K. Demachi and K. Miya, "An Evaluation of Levitation Property in HTSC Magnetic Bearing Device including Ferromagnetic Materials", Proc. 11th Int. Symp. Supercond. (1998) pp. 1341-1344.
H. Sugiyama, K.Demachi, K.Takase, K.Miya, "Evaluation of Magnetization of High Tc Superconductor by The Fluxoid Dynamics Method", Proc. 2nd Asian Joint Seminar on Appl. Electromagn. (1998) pp. 48-51.
R.Shimizu, S.shindo, K.Demachi, K.Miya, "An Evaluation of Levitation Property in High Tc Superconducting Magnetic Bearing System Including Ferromagnetic Materials", Proc. of KSEEE'98 (1998) pp. 180-182.
K.Demachi, S.Shindo, K.Takase, K.Miya, "A Study on the Relaxation of Levitation Property in an HTSC Magnetic Bearing", Proc. 8th International IGTE Symposium, (1998) pp. 550-553.
G. Preda, R. C. Popa, K. Demachi and K. Miya : "Neural Network for Inverse Mapping in Eddy Current Testing", Proc. of Int. J. Conf. Neural Network, pp. ??-??, (1999)
W.Cheng, K.Miya, K.Demachi: Inversion of Crack Shape with ECT Data, Proc. of Japan-Central Europe Joint Workshop, (1998) p.70
K.Demachi, H.Sugiyama, K.Takase and K.Miya, "Numerical Simulation of AC losses of Bi2212 Single Crystal by the Fluxoid Dynamics Method", Proc. 8th International IGTE Symposium (1998), pp.127-130.
K.Demachi, H.Sugiyama, K.Takase and K.Miya, "Mesoscopic Simulatoin of Electromagnetic Phenomena in BSCCO Single Crystal under AC Magnetic Field", Proc. of 3rd Japan-Central Europe J. Wrkshp. (1998) pp. 44-45.
K.Demachi, K.Takase, H.Sugiyama and K.Miya, " Fluxoid Dynamics Method and its Application", Proc. of 5th Japan-Hungary Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics in Materials and Computational Technology, (1998) pp. 137-140.
K. Demachi, T. Tsumori and K. Miya, ``Fluxoid dynamics method of type II superconductor'', Proc. Asian Joint Semin. Appl. Electromag. (1996) pp. 87-92.
K. Demachi, H. Tsumori and K. Miya, ``Numerical analysis of the behaviors of fluxoids in type-II superconductor based on the molecular dynamics method combined with the Ginzburg-Landau theory'', Proc. 8th Int. Work. Crit. Curr. Supercon. (1996) pp. 263-266.
K. Demachi, H. Asakura, Y. Yoshida, K. Miya, ``Numerical analysis of type II superconductor based on Ginzburg-Landau theory", Proc. 3rd Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Semin. Appl. Electromagn. (1995) pp. 77-82.
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida, K. Kurokawa, K. Miya and S. Nishio, ``Magnetic viscous damping effects in ITER blanket''. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Simulation and Design of Appl. Electromagn. Systems (1994) pp. 113-116.
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida, M. Kurokawa, K. Miya et al., ``Numerical results for TEAM No. 16 by A-φ 3D-code'', Proc. TEAM Wksp. Computation of Appl. Electromagn. in Mater. (UTNL-R-0289, 1993) pp. 52-56.
R. Shinagawa, Y. Yoshida, K. Demachi, K. Miya, M. Sawamura and I. Itoh, "Computation on superoconducting shielding current with anisotropy of critical current density”, Proc. Third Int. Conf. Electromagn. Field Problems and Applications (ICEF '96) (1997) pp. 311-314.
Y. Yoshida, K. Demachi, H. Asakura and K. Miya, ``Numerical simulation of electromagnetic phenomena in superconductor according to Ginzburg-Landau equation'', Digests of 4th Int. Jpn.--Polish Jt. Semin. Electromagn. Phenom.Appl. Tech. (1995) pp. 184-187.
Demachi, Y. Yoshida and K. Miya, ``Mesoscopic analysis of fluxoids in type II superconductor'', Proc. 1st Int. Wrkshp. on Advanced Mechatronics (1995) pp. 29-32.
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida and K. Miya, ``Numerical analysis of magnetoelastic coupled buckling of ITER vacuum vessel'', Proc. Int. Wrkshp. Electromagn. Forces and Related Effects on Blankets and Other Structures Surrounding the Fusion Plasma Torus (1994) pp. 161-171.
Y. Yoshida, K. Miya and K. Demachi, ``Numerical simulation of magnetomechanical coupled vibration of fusion reactor components'', Proc. 1st Japanese-Polish Jt. Semin. on Appl. Electromagn. in Mater. (1994) pp. 31-34.
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida M. Kurokawa, K. Miya and S. Nishio, ``Magnetic viscous damping effects in ITER blanket'', Proc. 3rd Polish-Japanese Jt. Semin. on Modeling and Control of Electromagn. Phenomena (1993) pp. 35-38.
Y. Yoshida, K. Demachi and K. Miya, ``Magnetomechanical coupled phenomena in fusion reactor componets'', Proc. 1st China-Japan Semin. on Fusion Eng. (Academia Sinica, 1993) pp. 43-47.
Y. Yoshida, K. Demachi and K. Miya, ``Magnetoelastic coupled vibration of first wall with magnetic damping'', Proc. 2nd Int. Wksp. on Electromagn. Forces and Related Effects on Blankets and Other Structures Surrounding the Fusion Plasma Torus (1993) pp. 149-156.
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida and K. Miya, ``Magnetoelastic buckling of structural components in fusion reactor'', Proc. 2nd Int. Wrkshp. on Electromagn. Forces and Related Effects on Blankets and Other Structures Surrounding the Fusion Plasma Torus (1993) pp. 141-148.
G. Preda, R. Popa, K. Demachi and K. Miya : Int. J. Conf. Neural Network,"Neural Network for Inverse Mapping in Eddy Current Testing".
K. Demachi, A. Miura, S. Vasiliu and K. Miya : ''Evaluation of Rotation Losses in Superconducting Magnetic Bearing Equipment'', Abstr. The 4-th Japan-Central Europe Joint Workshop on Energy and Information in Non-Linear Systems, (10-12, November in Brno, Czech Republic)
K. Miya, K. Demachi, K. Takase and T. Uchimoto : ''Numerical Analysis of Nonlinear Electromagnetic Phenomena of High Tc Superconductors'', Workshop on Superconducting Flywheels (WSF2000) 10-11 July, 2000, Eger, Hungary.
K. Demachi, A. Miura, T. Uchimoto, K. Miya : ''Numerical Analysis of rotation loss of superconducting Magnetic Bearing System'', Applied Superconductivity Conference, 17-22, September, Virgina Beach, USA.
K. Demachi, A. Miura, T. Uchimoto, K. Miya and H. Higasa : ''Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Properties of Superconducting Magnetic Bearing'', Dynamics & Design Conference 2000, 5-8 November, Tokyo.
K. Demachi, A. Miura, T. Uchimoto and K. Miya, 'Numerical analysis of rotation loss of supercondcting magnetic bearing', Application of SuperConductivity 2000 (ASC2000).
出町、三浦、清水、宮、樋笠 : 第61回1999年度秋季低温工学・超電導学会 「高温超電導フライホイールの回転損失抑制」
出町、沼田、清水、宮、樋笠 : 第60回1999年度春季低温工学・超電導学会 「高温超電導フライホイールにおけるACロスシミュレーション」
K. Demachi, R. Numata, K. Miya and H. Higasa : 1st Japan-Greece Joint Seminar. (1999) "AC loss of HTSC bulks for magnetic levitation".
K. Demachi, R. Numata, K. Miya and H. Higasa : 9th Int. Sypm. Electromagnetic Materials (1999), "Numerical evaluation of AC losses of superconducting mangetic bearing".
出町和之、吉田義勝、宮 健三 : 第3回MAGDAコンファレンス (1994. 3. 16--17)「電磁弾性連成座屈の解析」出町和之、吉田義勝、宮健三 : 日本原子力学会1994年春の年会 (1994. 3. 29--31)「核融合炉構造要素の電磁弾性連成座屈の解析」
K.Takase, K.Demachi and K.Miya : 2nd Asian Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics, (1998) " Numerical Simulation of Fluxoid Dynamics in High Tc superconductor".
K.Demachi, H.Sugiyama, K.Takase, K.Miya : 11th Int. Symp. on Supercond., Nov.16-19 (1998) "Numerical Simulation of AC field effects in Bi2212 by the Fluxoid Dynamics Method".
出町和之, 杉山浩隆, 高瀬健太郎, 宮健三 : 第58回1998年度春季低温工学・超電導学会 「磁束量子動力学法によるBi2212単結晶の非線形電磁特性のシミュレーション」
出町和之、杉山浩隆、高瀬健太郎、宮 健三 : 第10回「電磁力関連のダイナミックス」シンポジウム (1998)「 HTSC-FD 法によるBi-2212単結晶の電磁現象シミュレーション
出町和之、宮 健三: 日本応用磁気学会第104回研究会 招待講演(1998) 「磁束量子動力学法による超電導電磁現象の解析 」
高瀬健太郎、出町和之、宮 健三 : 第57回秋期低温工学・超電導学会 (1997. 11. 18--20) 「高温超電導体における非線形電磁現象の磁束量子動力学法に基づいた数値解析」
出町和之、高瀬健太郎、宮 健三 : 第57回秋期低温工学・超電導学会 (1997. 11. 18--20) 「Bi2212単結晶における高速中性子照射効果の数値解析」
K. Demachi and K. Miya : The 11th Conf. on the Computation of Electromagn. Fields (1997. 11. 2--6, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) ``3-Dimensional simulation code for fluxoid dynamics of type II superconductor''
出町和之、宮 健三 : 第6回MAGDAコンファレンス (1997. 3. 18--19) 「磁束量子動力学法による超電導電磁現象の数値解析」
K. Deamchi, H. Tsumori and K. Miya : The 8th Int. Wrkshp. on Crit. Curr. in Supercond. (1996. 5. 27--29, Kitakyushu,Japan) ``Numerical analysis of the behaviors of fluxoids in type II superconductor based on the molecular dynamics method combined with the Ginzburg-Landau theory''.
周 又和、宮健三、出町和之 : 第1回核融合エネルギー連合講演会 (1995. 12. 4--5) 「3本の超電導トロイダルコイルにおける電磁弾性曲げ及び座屈」
羅 雲、出町和之、宮 健三 : 日本原子力学会「1996年 春の大会」(1996. 3. 27--29) 「高温超電導の核融合炉への応用(3)」
羅 雲、出町和之、宮 健三、樋笠博正 : 1995年度秋季 54th 「低温工学・超電導学会」 (1995. 11. 3--5) 高温超電導の磁気軸受けへの応用」
Y. Luo, K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida, K. Miya and H. Higasa : The 8th Int. Symp. on Superconductivity (1995. 10. 30 -- 11. 2, Hamamatsu) ``Numeircal analysis of the levitation force in high Tc superconducting levitation system of a flywheel''.
吉田義勝、出町和之、宮 健三 : 第1回核融合エネルギー連合講演会 (1995. 12. 4--5) 導電性薄板の電磁弾性連成振動における相似則」
出町和之、吉田義勝、宮 健三 : 日本原子力学会「1996年 春の大会」(1996. 3. 27--29) 「高温超電導の核融合炉への応用(1)」
出町和之、吉田義勝、宮 健三 : 第1回核融合エネルギー連合講演会 (1995. 12. 4--5) 核融合炉炉内構造物の電磁構造連成挙動の数値解析」
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida and K. Miya : The 1st Int. Wrkshp. on Advanced Mechatronics (1995. 12. 1--3, Cheju, Korea) ``Mesoscopic analysis of fluxoids in type II superconductor''.
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida, H. Hiroaki and K. Miya : The 10th Conf. on the Comutation of Electromagn. Fields (1995. 7. 9--13, Berlin, Germany) ``Numerical analysis of magnetization processes in type II superconductors based on Ginzburg-Landau theory''.
K. Demachi, H. Asakura, Y. Yoshida and K. Miya: The 3rd Jpn.-Czech-Slovak Jt. Semin. (1995. 7. 5--7, Prague, Hungary) ``Numerical analysis of type II superconductor based on Ginzburg-Landau theory''.
出町和之、吉田義勝、宮 健三 : 第7回電磁力関連のダイナミックスシンポジウム (1995. 5. 29--31) 核融合炉炉内構造物の電磁構造連成挙動の数値解析」
朝倉弘明、出町和之、吉田義勝、宮 健三 : 第4回MAGDAコンファレンス (1995. 3. 14--15) 「Ginzburg-Landau 理論に基づいた第II種超電導混合状態の数値シミュレーション」
吉田義勝、陳 鋼珠、出町和之、宮 健三、樋笠博正 : 第72期日本機械学会通常総会講演会 (1995. 3. 28--4. 1) 導電性薄板の電磁弾性連成振動における相似則」
吉田義勝、出町和之、宮 健三 : 第4回MAGDAコンファレンス (1995. 3. 14--15)「導電性薄板の電磁弾性連成振動における相似則」
Y. Yoshida, K. Demachi and K. Miya : Int. Wrkshp. Electromagn. Forces and Related Effects on Blankets and OtherStructures Surronunding the Fusion Plasma Torus (1994. 8. 29--31, Italy) ``Law of similarity for magnetoelastic coupled vibration of a thin plate''.
吉田義勝、出町和之、宮 健三 : 日本原子力学会1994年秋の大会 (1994. 9. 29--31) 薄板構造物の電磁弾性連成振動における相似則」
出町和之、吉田義勝、宮 健三 : 第6回電磁力関連のダイナミックスシンポジウム (1994. 7. 13--15) 「幾何学的非線形性を考慮した核融合炉構造物の電磁弾性連成振動解析」
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida and K. Miya : The 3rd Int. Symp. Fusion Nuclear Technology (1994. 6. 27--7. 1, Los Angeles, U.S.A.) ``Numerical analysis of magnetoelastic coupled buckling of fusion reactor components''.
Y. Yoshida, K. Demachi and K. Miya : The 1st China-Japan Semin. on Fusion Engin. (1993. 5. 15--17, Beijing, China) ``Magnetomechanical coupled phenomena in fusion reactor components''.
出町和之、木戸修一、内門純一、中西秀哉、竹治 智、森川淳二、二瓶 仁、吉田善章、小川雄一、井上信幸、遠山潤志、宮本健郎 :プラズマ・核融合学会第9回年会 (1992. 3. 25--26) 「ULQプラズマのトロイダル磁束変化に対する応答」
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida and K. Miya : Int. Wrkshp. Electromagn. Forces and Related Effects on Blankets and Other Structures Surrounding the Fusion Plasma Torus (1993. 9. 15-17, Tokai, Japan) ``Numerical analysis of magnetoelastic coupled buckling of ITER vacuum vessel''.
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida, M. Kurokawa, K. Miya and B. Nishio : The 3rd Polish-Japanese Jt. Semin. on Modeling and Control of Electromagn. Phenomena (1993. 4. 19--21, Kazimierz, Poland) ``Magnetic viscous damping effects in ITER blanket.
黒川政秋、出町和之、陳 鋼珠、宮 健三、 西尾 敏 : 日本原子力学会1993年春の年会 (1993. 3. 27--29) 核融合炉構造物における渦電流表皮効果」
出町和之、吉田義勝、黒川政秋、宮 健三 西尾 敏 : 第2回MAGDAコンファレンス (1993. 3. 15--16) 「ITER ブランケットにおける磁気粘性減衰効果」
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida, M. Kurokawa and K. Miya : TEAM Wrkshp. on Computation of Appl. Electromagn. in Mater. (1993 1. 30, Sapporo, Japan) ``Numerical results for TEAM No. 16 by A-φ 3D-code''.
K. Demachi, Y. Yoshida, M. Kurokawa and K. Miya : The 5th Int. Symp. on Non-Linear Electromagn. Systems (1993. 1. 26--30, Sapporo, Japan) “Magnetic viscous damping effects in ITER blanket''.
吉田義勝、出町和之、黒川政秋、宮 健三 西尾 敏 : 日本原子力学会1992年秋の大会 (1992. 10. 20--23)「ITER ブランケットにおける磁気減衰効果」